

A few minutes with our beloved Irv Weinstein

Posted 3:00 AM, Nov 05, 2016
and last updated 10:51 PM, Nov 05, 2016

He was the face of Buffalo TV news for decades, now Irv Weinstein is fighting ALS with humor and dignity.

The 86 year old former WKBW Anchorman retired to California in 1999 to enjoy his children and grand children living there.  All was good until this past March when Irv says he began having dizzy spells and trouble balancing.

After a long series of tests Irv was diagnosed with ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.  It wasn't long before Irv could no longer walk and needed a wheel chair.

Keith Radford traveled to California in late October to sit down with the legendary TV Newsman who made it crystal clear he wanted to talk about the positives and not the negatives of what he is now dealing with.

Irv credits his family for giving him the strength to fight this, and for stepping in to help with his care.

Irv and his wife Elaine now reside at an assisted living facility in Mission Viejo just south of Los Angeles.  Well wishes can be sent to Irv Weinstein, 27356 Bellogente Road, Mission Viejo, California. 92691.

It's been almost 17 years since Irv retired, it's high-time we paid our good friend a visit.  Watch Keith's interview with Irv Weinstein right here, right now.