

Boston Town Clerk resigns


There's something missing in the Town of Boston and it's been missing for the past three weeks.

“We have an elected public official, elected by the taxpayers of Boston, who just chose to stop coming to work almost a month ago,” said Councilman Jay Boardway.

The town clerk, Jennifer Mule resigned Monday.

“We've had more and more complaints, from residents, from tax payers that were not being served,” said Boardway.

The Boston Town Board believes the resignation stems from events at an earlier town board meeting.

“She did reference something in the (resignation) letter that had to with her private business, in town, that has been the subject of litigation,” said Boardway.

In late April the town board voted 5-0 that Mule needed to file for permits for improvements on a home she owned. Mule had never filed for those permits.

The town will need to appoint a new town clerk.

“This office will be up and functioning as fast as the town board can get in there and get somebody to do the job,” said Boardway.

The first steps in appointing a new town clerk will be discussed at the next town board meeting, this Wednesday.

WKBW reached out to the former town clerk for a comment. She did not respond.