

Rally for Western New Yorker's to Stand in Solidarity with Charlottesville

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A rally was held on Sunday afternoon to stand in solidarity with Charlottesville. Stronger Together Western New York and Western New York Peace Center co-sponsored the rally on Elmwood Avenue and Bidwell Parkway. 


“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” Victoria Ross, Western New York Peace Center’s Executive Director, said. 


Ross said the rally was there to encourage non-violence, fairness, and justice and “stand for justice for kindness and against racism, bigotry, hate groups and the condoning of violence at the highest levels.” 


Annie Krause, Stronger Together Western New York Executive Director, says, “I’m hoping that they’re not alone. That the city of good neighbors is truly a city of good neighbors.” 


A moment of silence was held for Heather Heyer, 32, who was run down by a car in Charlottesville. 


“We’re trying to build a movement because we need to really counter the negative influences that are taking hold by a lot of fear mondering that’s been going on,” Ross said.