

Thousands of bicyclists slow rolled down the 198


About two-thousand bicyclists pedaled onto the 198 East in North Buffalo. ‘Slow Roll Buffalo’ had its first ride on the busy expressway on Sunday afternoon. For about 3 hours the 198 East was shut down for the bikers to ride on.

Over the past several months, ‘Slow Roll Buffalo’ had been raising money to foot the bill on this $15,000 bike ride. The bicyclists organization used the ride as a statement to push for turning the 198 into a parkway.

“We’ve been planning this for all the off season working with city and state officials,” Seamus Gallivant who is the co-founder of Slow Roll Buffalo said.

The movement to turn the expressway into a parkway comes almost a year after toddler was killed in Delaware Park. Reportedly a car jump the curb on the 198 and hit the child, while in the park.

“And the community in an outrage over that. And we decided it was time to make this Scajaquada safer,” Yann Spindler with ‘Slow Roll Buffalo’  said

Buffalo Mayor’s Byron Brown is leading the effort to the city a more bike friendly city.
He even led the group in the nearly 9 miles bike ride.

“The mayor is uh really working so well with go like Buffalo and so many different parties about making Buffalo a more bike friendly city,”  Gallivant said.

Jason Hall the president and founder of “Slow of Slow Roll in Detroit and he joined the ride today. Hall says he fully supports what this Buffalo group is trying to.