7LifeRecipes for 7Life


Crockpot Black Eyed Peas

Presented by Tops Friendly Markets

Do you like Black eyed peas but maybe don't know how to make them? Head over to your local Tops, grab a few ingredients and get a low cost dish full of flavor!

1lb bag of black eyed peas
1 pack of bacon
1 pack of kielbasa sausage
Chives for garnish
2 containers of Tops Beef Broth
1 sweet onion
3-4 garlic cloves
Green pepper
2 tblspoons of onion powder
2 tblspoons of garlic powder
1 teaspoon on black pepper

Dice green pepper, onion and garlic and put in the bottom of the crockpot.
Pour the black eyed peas on top of the diced veggies.
Pour one container of the beef broth over the top, cover with the lid and put on high for 5.5-6 hours.
Right before you take the lid off, chopped bacon in one inch sqaures and slice sausage in half inch coins.
Saute them together until they are a light brown.
Dump meat in the crockpot black eyed peas(grease as well).
Season the black eyed peas with garlic and onion powder and black pepper seasoning.
Put lid back on and cook for an additonal 30 mins on high.

*If the broth gets low, add more from the second container.

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