7LifeRecipes for 7Life


Maple Vinaigrette Salad Dressing with Les Trent

Cooking with Les Trent-Senior Correspondent for Inside Edition

Who doesn't love a good salad? If you are anything like Les and Mercedes, you want to know what's in your food. This dressing has flavor out of this world AND includes maple. Grab a bigger bowl for this dish, unless you just want to make two trips!

MAPLE VINAIGRETTE, see attached recipe for ingredients, and let's go with Canola oil. Plus;

5 - 10 oz bag of Baby Arugula Salad

1 Pint of Grape Tomatoes

1 small Red Onion

1/2 cup of canola oil

1/3 cup of maple syrup

1/4 cup of champagne vinegar

Dash of red chili flakes, salt and pepper

**Optional: Peanuts


Chop onion and tomato and set aside
Mix the oil, champagne vinegar and syrup together.
Stir together.
Add the seasonings, stir again.

In a bowl mix arugula and veggies together. Pour on your dressing and ENJOY!

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