NewsLocal News7 Problem Solvers


Buffalo boy who was given manual breaths during blizzard is now off his ventilator


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The blizzard that blanketed Buffalo in December took electricity from thousands of residents, including Shahida Muhammad, and her fiancé Michael Brown. Their son Major has relied on a ventilator to breathe, and during the blizzard the couple said they had to give their son manual breaths for around 48 hours when his ventilator lost power.

However now Major won't have to worry about a ventilator this winter, because his mother said he is now off the machine!

RELATED: Western New Yorkers come to rescue of one-year-old boy on ventilator

"Isn’t it absolutely amazing! I am so happy and over joyed." said Muhammad to 7 News Reporter Michael Schwartz.

His mother posted the news on Facebook saying: "This might not mean nothing or anything to y’all, but my baby is now off of his ventilator. He is on full room air with just a trach 2 years being vent dependent and now look at him. Next is decannulation. I’ve said It once & I’ll say it again MAJOR gonna go against all odds every time the strongest kid I know."

Schwartz interviewed Muhammad and Brown on Christmas Day, just hours after they were rescued, and then witnessed a touching moment in February when the Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation, and the Lions Club of Western New York donated a generator to the family.

Muhammad said Major at the point was being weened off the ventilator.

"This is really big, I'm literally trying to hold back tears," said Muhammad when she was gifted the generator in February . "It was really hard for me and my family during the storm, and I couldn’t imagine if we would've had a generator we would've been fine."

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