NewsLocal News7 Problem Solvers


Buffalo man gets approved home repair loan revoked


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — In 2022 Neighborworks Community Partners Buffalo approved Samuel Herbert, of Buffalo, for a $20,500 loan to fix his garage. He signed a contract in May 2022, but weeks later the organization stopped working with him. NeighborWorks is a non-profit that offers services to homeowners including loan assistance to make repairs.

"NeighborWorks told me the deal is off," explained Herbert.

Herbert told 7 Problem Solver Michael Schwartz that NeighborWorks sent a contractor to do the job, but it was later found out that no work permit was ever filed. That contractor was taken off the job.

Schwartz went to the City of Buffalo's Permit and Inspections Department to find that the last permit filed at Herbert's home was for a plumbing job in 2020.

Herbert said another contractor came to do the job but didn't take any measurements. A displeased Herbert told NeighborWorks a third contractor came to his home one night unannounced.

"I said, 'No one tell you, you were supposed to call? Please leave my property!'" Herbert said he told that contractor.

That's when Herbert found out that NeighborWorks was no longer able to help him repair his garage.

"I said let me tell you something, your first contractor you sent out here you didn’t do your research to find out whether that contractor had work permit from City of Buffalo," said Herbert to NeighborWorks.

Schwartz called Kelley Swan, the interim CEO of NeighborWorks. She could not specify why Neighborworks was no longer helping, but said the organization did "Vet all avenues with this customer."

Herbert has been left with a half-torn-down garagre, and is still looking to get it fixed.

"I was grateful I was approved for the loan," said Herbert. "I just want my garage done correctly so I could put my car in the garage."

7 Problem Solvers will continue to stay in touch with Herbert as he looks into other avenues. In the meantime, if you have a consumer issue you can email Michael at

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