NewsLocal News7 Problem Solvers


Claims made by management of neglected Buffalo senior apartment found to contradict city records

Posted 4:32 PM, Jul 25, 2023
and last updated 8:33 PM, Jul 25, 2023

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — For the past month, 7 Problem Solvers has been investigating unhealthy and unsafe conditions at the senior apartments at 100 Beck Street in Buffalo, also known as P.S.G. Residences. In June a representative for the building said repairs were delayed due to the City of Buffalo's permitting process, however, the city said that's not true.

7 Problem Solver Michael Schwartz has gone to 100 Beck Streetmultiple times since June 28, and on every visit there he has heard from more residents complaining about the conditions.

"It's hell," said Carl Christian.

The devastating December blizzard froze pipes in the Buffalo building. Those pipes later burst, and ruined the floor, according to City of Buffalo inspection records.

For more than seven months the floor in the main lobby, community room, and laundry room has remained unfinished. It has divots and dust, which many residents who use walkers have to navigate over every day.

Schwartz was contacted by Group Gordon. The New York City-based public relations firm then send Schwartz a statement on behalf of the building's management. It said the City of Buffalo "delayed the permitting process until April 2023, further impeding progress."

However, Schwartz spoke to the City of Buffalo's Permit and Inspections Services Commissioner Cathy Amdur who said:

"Of the three permits on file, each of them was granted on the day which they applied for them (January 1st, April 17th and April 19th)."

The owners of the building are RM PSG LLC. The RM stands for Riverview Manor, which is another Buffalo apartment the LLC owns. PSG stands for Piotr Stadnitski Gardens, which is 100 Beck Street.

Schwartz called Group Gordon about the contradicting statements, but a firm representative said she had no answer as of Monday night. On Tuesday a representative said the company doesn't represent RM PSG LLC, and only worked with them this one time.

The statement on behalf of building management also said that work was delayed, because supplies were stolen.

Amdur said the only known delay in fixing repairs was due to unlicensed contractors being hired.

The Group Gordon rep told Schwartz the original 7 Problem Solvers report on 100 Beck Street pushed quicker decisions to make repairs, and crews were "on their way to Buffalo."

However, when Schwartz went back to the building on July 24, no work permit was posted on the front door. An assistant property manager told him everyone in charge is outside of Buffalo. She said the local manager recently quit.

Schwartz is continuing to speak to an actual manager or owner of the property as residents feel neglected. Still, management said work to fix the building is expected to be completed by August 17.

The full statement on behalf of management is below:

"On behalf of management, we would like to provide an update regarding the situation at PSG following the change in management on January 1, 2023. At the time of the transition, the property was still recovering from an ice storm, and we immediately collaborated with the previous management and insurance adjuster to address the urgent remediation needs. However, the city delayed the permitting process until April 2023, further impeding progress.

Unfortunately, during the arrival of contractors to commence repairs, a setback occurred when all materials, supplies, and tools were stolen from the site. PSG deployed an on-site courtesy officer available from 12:00pm to 7:00am daily to address security concerns, combat criminal activities, and support the residents.

Subsequently, a plumbing issue arose in June, causing a sewage pipe backup spillage that required rectification before repairs could resume. Nevertheless, we are actively urging the existing contractor to expedite the work and simultaneously obtaining bids from backup contractors. We expect to complete all renovation work within the next 30 days.

As the management office continues to undergo construction and office equipment is replaced, we have established a temporary workspace for the Assistant Property Manager in the community room at PSG. Information regarding the alternate office location at Riverview Manor can be found on the office door and community bulletin boards.

We remain committed to resolving these challenges and ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of our residents at PSG.”

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