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Reading the fine print of warranties

Fine Print Paperwork
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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Buying that new appliance is exciting, but did you read the fine print in all that paperwork?

Melanie McGovern, of the Better Business Bureau, emphasizes to read the seller's return policy and all warranties.

"Best way to go is check manufacturer's warranty first," said McGovern. She also added to research coverage reviews on the product on BBB.orgor another search engine.

"Before you buy, know what the warranty covers," said McGovern. "A lot of times the extended warranty for that item, the warranty will cover that item."

In addition to an extended warranty, there are also other types:

  • An express warranty guarantees the repair or replacement of a product within a certain time period after purchase
  • An implied warranty is just a promise that the product will work as expected

These warranties are different than the seller's return policy. Some stores, including Home Depot, give you 48 hours to return major appliances. McGovern said know how you're covered before you run into a problem.

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