NewsLocal News7 Problem Solvers


South Buffalo woman receives over $800 reimbursement from doctor after insurance mix-up


SOUTH BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Jill Oakes of South Buffalo goes to Novelli Spine & Knee Center for knee pain relief and said the treatments have been helpful.

Oakes said she took out a loan to cover the more than $5,000 in treatments, and she was later told that her insurance company would cover an additional $800. She said the insurance company sent the money to Novelli Spine & Knee Center, and then Novelli would reimburse Oakes.

"When I called [the] insurance company, they said [Novelli Spine & Knee Center] didn't reimburse you?" explained Oakes.

Oakes said she contacted Novelli daily and then weekly with no answers.

"They weren't very helpful...not the people who answered the phone," said Oakes, who then contacted 7 Problem Solvers. "I didn't know what else to do."

I called Novelli Spine & Knee Center and got a hold of Dr. Stephen Novelli right away. He said it was a simple mistake and would correct the issue right away. He called Oakes that same day.

"He was very nice, very apologetic," explained Oakes. "He said if I want anymore treatments, he'll cover it for free."

That night, Novelli wrote a check for $869, which Oakes received a few days later.

"I wish I got a hold of you sooner," said Oakes. "Three to four months back and forth, and not even a day!"

Dr. Novelli said: "Like any business, accounts payable is typically 30 days or less. As soon as I was made aware that there was outstanding payment, I handled it immediately, the same day. Patients should always receive timely reimbursement for services they receive. It was our pleasure to act quickly and get the job done like we do for so many thousands of people."

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