NewsLocal News7 Problem Solvers


Viewers from near and far answer call to help Albion landlord

Hole in wall in Albion home

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — We recently brought you the story of Vickie Golisano, the Albion landlord who is down thousands of dollars after tenants failed to pay 20 months of rent, and then trashed the place before eviction.

Ten minutes after the story first aired Tuesday morning on Good Morning Buffalo, viewers began to reach out on ways to help.

Marian McKay of Cheektowaga emailed 7 Problem Solvers and said, "I just saw your story on the lady in dire need of some help with the awful renters. I would love to assist with clean up on the weekends."

7 Problem Solver Michael Schwartz caught up with McKay on Tuesday who expressed her connection with Golisano. Both have survived domestic violence.

"I've been in domestic violence situations before, and been in a place where I haven't had help," said McKay. "You never forget the one person who extends their hand...You never do."

McKay said she plans to travel to Albion to help Golisano clean. When Schwartz described how messy it is, McKay did not care.

"I'm going to help her until it's done," said McKay.

Eddie George also expressed selflessness... from one thousand miles away!

"I was really, upset...I took it personally," said George who is from Niagara County, but now lives in Georgia and follows 7 News.

"More I looked [at the pictures] the more frustrated I got, and the first thing I said was what can I do to help," said George.

George is an Army veteran, and helping others is in his blood.

"I have PTSD, and I have my obstacles I deal with everyday," said George. "Best way to deal with my problems is to help others."

George wants to donate money, and also get in touch with veterans in WNY to fix the damages in Golisano's apartment so she cant rent it again.

"Do I have $20,000 to give? No I don't, but I do have a few hundred dollars I can give her...Yes I do," emphasized George.

7 Problem Solvers has also received multiple other requests to help Golisano. If you are looking to do the same you can email

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