What you put in your body greatly affects your health and how you feel. Probiotics have been top of mind for the last few years. Rudy Lara from Yakult U.S.A joins Mel to tell us more.
Rudy says our digestive system is where good health and proper nutrition begin, and probiotics can play a big role in maintaining good gut health. Many people are looking to probiotics to help correct disruptions with their digestive system. Rudy says there are many factors that can disrupt the balance in our Intestinal Microbiota, such as our overall diet, stress, aging, bacterial contamination, and medicine – like antibiotics and chemotherapy. He says we want more of the beneficial bacteria so they can compete against the harmful bacteria for nutrients and attachment sites in our gut.
For people who may not like foods like kimchee or sauerkraut often turn to products like Yakult. What is Yakult? Rudy says Yakult was originally created in Japan in 1935 by Microbiologist Dr. Shirota. He says Yakult Probiotic Drink is made with fermented dairy and contains billions of live and active probiotic cultures of the Lactobacilus casei Shirota strain. Rudy says the strain is named after Yakult company founder, and it is what makes Yakult unique and special. The strain of bacteria really matters because not all probiotics are equal. The Lactobacilus casei Shirota strain is supported by over 85 years of research and a strong consumer following. Although Yakult originated in Japan, we have production in the U.S. from our state-of-the-art factory in Fountain Valley, CA
Rudy says the bottle size also makes it easy for everyone to take and we recommend drinking 1-2 bottles daily as part of your regular diet. Because everyone’s biological make-up is unique, each one of us may experience our own unique health benefits.
You can find Yakult at Wegmans or Walmart.
For more information visit YakultUSA.com