AM Buffalo


Choose Love mural now resides at the Resource Council Office


A special mural to give Western New Yorker's a way to remember and pay tribute to the Jefferson Ten now has a permanent home. This “Choose Love” mural created by Patti Thomas and displayed at the Bill’s home opener now lives at the Resource Council of Western New York.

The Choose Love mural was done in collaboration with Highmark Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Western New York. When asked how that came about Patti says, “We’ve had a long existing relationship with Highmark just performing some different kinds of collaborations throughout the city the last couple of years. They have been a great partner to us, they are a great partner to the community. They reached out and wanted to know if I wanted to participate in this endeavor and show tribute to those angels we lost on May 14th and I was incredibly honored to be asked. “

Patti says the whole mission behind what she created was to be inclusive, that people would walk by it and be drawn to it, people from all walks of life and that’s what they saw. She says her goal was to bring people together and show our commonalities as opposed to our differences.