
FARE's Walk

FARE's Allergy Heroes Walk

It truly takes a village of everyday heroes to keep our kids safe. We hope you join us for the 2017 Food Allergy Heroes Walk!

In 2016, a passionate coalition of FARE staff members, Walk Chairs and committees gathered with over 14,000 walkers across the country through the FARE Walk for Food Allergy. That year, through over 40 walks in dozens of states, the program raised over $1.8 million to support FARE’s programs and fund new initiatives. In 2017, FARE reimagined the Walk experience and launched the newly branded walk program as FARE’s FOOD ALLERGY HEROES WALK!

FARE’s food allergy walk has always been—and will always be—a safe place for kids and individuals with food allergies to come together as a community. Increasing our focus on fundraising will not diminish the hopeful community experience that means so much to so many. Rather, coming together as a group, united in our shared passion and driven by a common goal, will only further our bond.

Fundraising fuels research. Fundraising fuels education. Fundraising fuels programs and support. Fundraising is the vehicle of impact that will make this world a safer place for everyone affected by food allergies. It is through our fundraising efforts and our strength as a community that we will create the world in which we want to live.