AM Buffalo


Fun Vacations with Maestro Tours

Fun Vacations with Maestro Tours

William Eicher owner of Maestro Tours joins Linda. 

He talks about all the great tours coming up that you can take this summer. 

Have fun in beautiful Cape Cod (June 25th – 29th). 

It’s “All About Broadway” (July  10th – 13th). 

Head up to Canada and see Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec (July 23rd – 28th) and in August you can do the “Immigrant New York” tour  (August 13th – 17th). 

This trip focuses on New York City from 1850 to the early 1900’s and includes the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. 

The trip to Ellis Island includes a hard hat tour where you also visit the other buildings on the property that most people don’t get a chance to see.