Heading the class of 2016 is reality show talent/producer/director Susan Hunt.
She’ll be joined by former 97 Rock morning man Larry Norton, former WIVB-TV Meteorologist Don Paul, former Buffalo State Communications Professor and morning DJ Tom (Donahue)
McCray, former WKBW-TV producer/director Steve Zappia and
former WKBW-TV news anchor and Dialing for Dollars host the late
Nolan Johannes.
In addition to the induction ceremony, the BBA will honor WBTA
Radio in Batavia for their 75th Anniversary. They’ll also present the Tim
Russert Medal of Merit to Stephanie Aponte a journalism student at
Canisius College.
The Buffalo Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame Dinner is
Thursday, September 29th with cocktails at 5:30 p.m. and the
program starting at 7:00 p.m. in the studios of WNED-TV.