AM Buffalo


Halloween fun with chocolate milk

Posted 7:12 PM, Oct 29, 2021

Megha Patel, Chocolate & Cheese Please food blogger says chocolate is the official milk of Halloween and says not many people know this, but it is basically nutrition in disguise which is amazing. Not just kids but a lot of adults don’t know this and giving kids chocolate milk really isn’t bad for them. It has calcium in it, nutrients, and proteins so it’s a win-win, kids love it, adults love it and kids think they are having something unhealthy but it’s actually not bad for them. Mega says there are so many recipes you can make like the peanut butter chocolate milk whip which is so easy. She says it is only three ingredients. You have the chocolate milk, a small gelatin packet that you can get anywhere, and you put it in there, let it sit for five minutes and add some peanut butter. Use a blender or hand mixer and mix it up and it’s done within ten minutes.

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