AM Buffalo


Healthy tips for 2022


According to the New York Post, new research finds close to 70% of people abandon their new year’s resolutions before February 1st. That’s why it is important to approach 2022 with realistic and achievable goals. Registered dietitian and nutritionist Mia Syn shares a few ways to incorporate healthier habits to our routines throughout the coming months.

Mia says now is a perfect time to think of new ways to have your healthiest and happiest year.

Her first tip is to move more. The recommendation is that adults get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. She says it is all about finding what works for you and it can be as simple as going for a brisk walk around the neighborhood or mowing your lawn or gardening. It all counts.

You may be further along in your fitness journey and you might go to cross-fit or go for a jog. Mia says to be sure to talk to your healthcare provider to find a routine that supports your overall health and wellness.

Sleep is so important for both our physical and mental health and Mia has a few tips to get a better night’s sleep. Her first tip is to create a consistent sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, including weekends. You also want to create an ideal room for sleeping, that is dark, cool and quiet and aim for seven hours each night.

Mia says for a lot of people falling asleep may be difficult and for them she recommends NATROL Sleep Plus. She says it is from the number one drug-free sleep aid brand in America and it is a really innovative product line that blends melatonin and secondary ingredients with calming, beauty and health benefits all designed to plus up your sleep. She says it is 100% drug-free, non gmo, vegetarian and gelatin free and free of synthetic dyes, artificial flavors, preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

Mia says as a registered dietician, I am always looking for ways to eat healthy and get creative in the kitchen. She says this year she is really encouraging families to eat more fruits and veggies. The dietary guidelines recommend that we consume 1 ½ to 2 ½ cups servings of fruit each day and two to four cups servings of vegetables. She says one fun way to do that is with a snack charcuterie board filled with a rainbow of produce paired with nutritious dips. She loves the dips by Good Foods. They offer a variety of plant-based dips that make healthy eating easy and delicious. Mia says they have something for everyone including those living vegan, paleo, and keto lifestyles. They are packed with flavor and have no added sugar and can be enjoyed on their own or incorporated into recipes.

Mia’s last tip is to spend less time on social media. First, she says, audit how much time you are spending and then take a look at the content that you are consuming and whether it is having a positive or negative impact on your life. Mia says research shows that those limiting social media to 30 minutes a day can have a positive impact on mental health and your overall wellness.

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