Mel Camp spoke with David Schenk Commissioner of Senior Services. He shared some senior services available to Erie County seniors.
Their latest partnership is with hearts and Hand, Faith and Action. They are providing essential and nonessential transportation for seniors and the disabled for grocery shopping, medications etc. Also if you are just feeling lonely and don’t have that network around you and want a phone call, they will do that for you too.
Erie County Senior Services has a dining program. Before the pandemic started seniors would go to their town hall or local community centers to receive a meal and socialize. They had to close that part of the program down because of COVID-19 but meals can be delivered your home as part of their meal delivery program.
They have also enhanced their dine and go program. Seniors would receive four vouchers a month to go to participating restaurants around Erie County and they can go out and eat. Erie County Senior Services doubled that to eight vouchers a month.