
Kaleida Health Prostate Cancer Awareness Month


Before he had prostate cancer, Joe's life was packed with family time, work aspirations and big goals in his journey as a runner. So when he was diagnosed, he—along with his team of doctors, nurses and caregivers at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital—was determined to make his treatment and recovery just a brief bump in the road. With minimally invasive robotic surgery, Joe was able to get back to feeling like himself more quickly than he'd thought possible. From finally being able to pick up his grandkids again, to setting off on a well-deserved family vacation, to getting back on the road to marathon training, he's made his post-surgical life all he'd hoped it could be. Meet Joe and Dr. Michael Hanzly on today's show. Dr. Hanzly will discuss prostate cancer awareness and the simplicity of screening and Joe will explain his experience.