The colorful and uniquely shaped leaves of coleus have made it a favorite ofgardeners for several centuries. But recent introduction have helped move it out of containers and the shade and into sunny borders.Here at Boerner Botanical Gardens they created several gardens featuring a few sun loving varieties.This large oval garden features Flamethrower Habanero coleus. The red profusion zinnia and cannas blend nicely with Habanero’s orange-red leaves while the chartreuse sweet potato vine provides eye-catching contrast.Usedifferent plants but repeated color and texture to provide overall unity.French Quarter coleus is combined with purple salvia and dahlias connect it to the larger oval garden.Another nearby bed features Flamethrower Spiced Curry. The chartreuse in its leaves echo the sweet potato vine in the main garden. The red zinnias and white salvia are repeated to further unite the beds.
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