AM Buffalo


Melinda’s Garden Moment – Start new indoor plants with cane cuttings


Gardeners never like to give up on a plant, whether it’s your own or one you purchased on sale in need of some major TLC. Revive a declining dieffenbachia with a bit of pruning and start a few new plants from cane cuttings.

Dieffenbachias often lose their lower leaves, resulting in long leafless stems topped with just a few leaves.

Rejuvenate these plants by cutting the stem back to several inches above the soil surface. The remaining plant will sprout new growth.

Next, cut the leafless stem into 2-inch sections containing at least one bud or node, the point where a leaf was growing. Allow the cutting to dry for several hours.

Fill a shallow container with a well-drained potting mix. Lay the stem sections on their sides so the bottom half is covered and the top bud exposed.

Place in a warm bright location and keep the soil moist until new growth appears.

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