
Melinda's Garden Moment – Tips for Composting Success

Melinda's Garden Moment – Tips for Composting

Turn Landscape trimmings, fall leaves and kitchen scraps into a valuable soil additive for your garden. 

Its as simple as putting it in a heap and letting it decompose. The more effort you put in the quicker you’ll have compost.

Do compost disease and insect free plant debris, landscape trimmings, and plant based kitchen scraps in your compost pile

Don’t add meat, dairy, fat and bones that can attract rodents.  Leave out invasive plants, perennial weeds and those gone to seed.

Start with an 8 to 10 inch layer of mixed plant debris, top with an inch of compost or garden soil and sprinkle on some organic fertilizer. Repeat until the pile is at least three feet tall and wide.

Contain the pile with a simple wire frame, mask it with plantings or hide it behind a fence or walled garden.