
Melinda's Garden Moments - Plant Flowers and Vegetables Together in Containers and in the Garden


You don’t need to sacrifice beauty for homegrown flavor.

Instead get creative and combine edibles and ornamentals in your gardens and containers.

This flavorful garden welcomes visitors to the front entrance.

Hardy kiwi and honeysuckle climb the trellises while the strawberries provide an edible ground cover with seasonal beauty.

Climbing spinach trained on a decorative trellis provides screening and a tasty addition to salads and sandwiches.

Try mixing a few vegetables into your container gardens.

Use a colorful mix of lettuce and snapdragons for cool seasons.

Grow tomatoes in containers near the house for easy access and to brighten a blank wall.

Create interesting combinations like this fine textured dill and bold textured coneflowers.

Both reseed readily and are equally assertive

Use thyme as a fragrant and edible groundcover and edger and lavender to attract pollinators to the garden.