Every year Menne Nursery's team of talented decorators brings a magical and beautiful world to life, transforming our entire store into just what the event name says - A World Of Christmas! Over 100 different varieties of artificial are on display with more than 40 of them uniquely decorated, each with a special theme.
You can find inspiration for your tree, mantel, doors, banisters, tables and much more!
It is a tradition that on the first Thursday of November every year, we celebrate the completion of our holiday wonderland with a special opening night - and you're invited! During this Grand Opening, refreshment and entertainment may be enjoyed while wandering a forest of dazzling trees, gilded mantels, heavenly nativities, quaint villages and other seasonal favorites. Enjoy "Grand Opening Weekend Only" specials with 10 % off all regularly priced items, and new this year, 25% off all regularly priced artificial trees!
We hope you will join us this year on November 3rd for this year's celebration. Doors will close at 4:00pm so that we can apply finishing touches and ensure that every blow is perfectly fluffed. At 6:30pm the doors will reopen to kick off the festivities!