

National Healthcare Decision's Day - Hospice

Posted 4:38 PM, Apr 07, 2017
and last updated 4:55 PM, Apr 07, 2017

In recognition of National Healthcare Decisions Day, Hospice Buffalo is hosting a free community screening of the PBS "Frontline" documentary "Being Mortal" on Wednesday, April 19th at 5:30pm.

It will take place in the Education Center on the Mitchell Campus, 225 Como Park Boulevard, Cheektowaga. 

After the  the screening the audience can participate in a guided conversation on how to identify and communicate wishes about end-of-life-goals and preferences. 

Being Mortal" underscores the importance of people planning ahead and talking with family members about healthcare decisions.  Seventy percent of Americans say they would prefer to die at home but nearly 70 percent die in hospitals and institutions. 

Ninety percent of Americans know they should have conversations about end-of-life care, yet only 30 percent have done so.