

New Ready APP!

Free Download for iPhones & Androids

Use this App to Plan for Emergencies!

• Users receive critical information and emergency alerts through push notifications
• Locate Erie County’s emergency shelters
• View up-to-date evacuation route maps
• Create a personalized Emergency Preparedness Plan by answering five basic questions
• Planning and preparation can make all the difference when disaster strikes
• Ready Erie app makes it easier than ever to develop a plan and be prepared for an emergency
• Disasters can happen at any time! Get the app, make a plan, and be prepared.

Flu Vaccine Time:
• NOW is the time to call your healthcare provider or get a shot at a local clinic or drugstore
• It takes several weeks to build up antibodies to the influenza viruses contained in the vaccine
• Momentary pinch of a needle greatly outweighs being very ill for a week or longer
• Serious complications from flu can occur, particularly among the elderly, those with asthma, compromised immune systems and infants too young to be vaccinated. Consider the health of those around you. (don’t make people sick at your holiday get-togethers)
How Else Can I Protect Myself & my Family from the Flu (or ANY airborne infectious disease)?
• Wash your hands thoroughly—in between fingers, wrists, under nails--with soap & water for a minimum of 20 seconds & dry thoroughly
• Cover up when you sneeze or cough; the flu virus is passed from one person to the other through

Turkey Cooking Safety tips
Thanksgiving is a wonderful family holiday, but the day can be ruined with a cooking or candle fire, a burn injury or a carbon monoxide incident from long-term use of the oven or a food-borne illness
• Every home should have working smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms (have you checked your batteries recently?)
• Cooking Safety Tips
o Remember to “stand by your pan" and stay in the kitchen when boiling, frying or broiling.
o Never leave the house with the oven running.
o Keep children away from the stove; turn pot handles inward over the stove.
o Run cool water on burns; call 9-1-1 for more serious burn injuries.
Follow these food handling behaviors:
• Separate: Separate raw meats from other foods by using different cutting boards.
• Clean: Clean kitchen surfaces, utensils, and hands with soap and water while preparing food.
• Cook: Cook foods to the right temperature by using a food thermometer.
• Chill: Chill raw and prepared foods promptly.
Cook turkey thoroughly, to a minimum of 165 degrees. 
