

Pico and Veterinary School

Pet Talk

On Pet Talk today we had Pico, he is a Chihuahua mix and he is about 2-3 years old. He came to the Buffalo City Animal Shelter as a stray and he may be shy at first but he is a very loving dog. Pico is ready to be adopted and is looking for a new loving home!

Dr Stephanie West was also on today, she discuss how to get into Veterinarian School. It is very tough and grades must be high throughout undergrad and all through the 4 years after undergrad into Veterinarian School. It is much harder to get into than to be a human doctor. 

For those that still want to work with animals but don't want to be a Vet there are a few options. There is a Veterinary Technician, they are like the nurses of animal hospitals. There is also a Veterinary Assistant and they do not require educations and they help out the Veterinary Technicians and the Veterinarians.