AM Buffalo


The Diet Center – Emily’s halfway check-in

and last updated

Emily is losing weight The Diet Center way. Today is her halfway check-in. Emily says the amount of weight she lost is inspirational. She feels like her eyes have been open because for years she felt this is something she just has to accept; the way she feels, the amount of weight she is carrying around and said I have babies and I should just be grateful for her two healthy children and it doesn’t matter what I look like or how I feel. Sheri says she was settling and says you should always care about how look, how you feel, your health and it should be your top priority.

It’s time for Emily’s six-week check-in. She steps on the scale and it was 146.4 down from 149. Emily says wasn’t expecting it. She says she can’t remember she remember the last time she weighed that.

Emily says it is mental health as well as physical health. Sheri Zilloux, owner, says they help people with all of that. If you don’t sleep well, they are going to help you, if you don’t know proper nutrition, they are going to help you with that and, a lot of that equals weight. She says they want you to eat all foods but right now you have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight; you can’t eat whatever you want. They have to control your calories and your fats and your carbs and that’s what this program does. Everything is titrated and you are in a calorie deficit so you will lose weight. Sheri also says most people who come to see her don’t drink enough water and some drink no water and water is mission critical for your health. She says everyone should be drinking 64 ounces a day or more depending on your activity level. Sheri says with 100% certainty nobody regrets doing their program.

The Diet Center has two WNY locations. They are located in Amherst and Lockport.


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