Emily Lampa says when went to The Diet Center she did the “The Inner Diet questionnaire.” She and Sheri Zilloux, board certified health and wellness coach spoke to Dr. John Sklare, creator of “The Inner Diet.”
The Inner Diet is a self-help home study program he developed to be used to identify most eating triggers. To help people understand what this is all about Emily asked Dr. Sklare to use her Inner Diet summery and what he would say to her about how she can improve the way she handles food. He tells her she scored high or very on three of these scales and about 60% score high or very high on three scales. He says the issues that they address on The Inner Diet are not deep psychological pathology issues, they are everyday issues that get in the way like stress eating. Another of Emily’s triggers is perfectionism. He says that one is a duel edge sword because no one is perfect. For the perfectionist he says the moment you miss a little bit on your diet, the diet is over because you throw the baby out with the bathwater. To a perfectionist a minor slip is equated to a major failure, so it gets in the way of your success as a perfectionist but, on the other side of that coin is all successful people are perfectionists. What that means for Emily is that she has to bring in some kind of modification to her thinking.
Dr. Sklare says the reason Sheri uses his program is that she doesn’t just want to deal with the symptom, they really want to help the people who walk in their door, and The Inner Diet helps them do that better and also arms their clients with information and insight that can’t get any other way.
The Diet Center has two WNY locations. They are located in Amherst and Lockport.
Click here for more information visit thedietcenter.com.