AM Buffalo


The Diet Center – Why the Diet Center Works

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Health is a top conversation family, friends and coworker have. Sheri Zillioux, National board certified health and wellness coach says we should always want to be in our tiptop shape and our best health that we that possibly can but especially now with the unknown, we have the variant, COVID is still lingering. Why not have your immunity at its best, and why not get your health in order now before something happens. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver, acid reflux, and type two diabetes is a big one, and Sheri says she had just about all of them and you can potentially reverse them with losing weight and eating healthy.

Emily says she tried a lot of the diets and doing it by yourself is not always the best scenario. She says for her The Diet Center has worked. Sheri says a lot of people do unhealthy things, they are desperate to lose weight and she says she did it herself and ended up losing her gall bladder. She says she didn’t feel good, she did extreme diets where she didn’t eat, she took pills and says don’t get your info off the internet. Sheri says she is a board-certified health and wellness coach, and she knows her stuff and we coordinate with doctors, all kinds of doctors, cardiovascular doctors, primary doctors, prior bariatric; a lot of people who have the prior bariatric surgery come see her. She says they can definitely help. Sheri says you should always feel very healthy, and you should keep in touch with your doctor if you are feeling symptoms. She says a lot of people when they are coming off the blood pressure medicine, may get a little dizzy or have a headache or feel fatigued. That’s the time you should call your doctor and say hey I’ve lost 30 or 40 pounds can you maybe readjust my medications. The goal is to get off the medications, if you can. There are certain people who have genetic diseases and definite call and keep in touch and follow your doctor’s orders but people come in and report more energy, they sleep better, no more Gerd or reflux. They just overall feel so good. She says you should not feel hungry on their program, you should just feel your best.

They offer a free thirty-minute info appointment. Come in and hear about it, talk to the coaches. Sheri says everyone is different and they like to have that one-one-one time with you and most people sign up after they come for the info session and 100% of the people on their program have zero regret.

The Diet Center has two WNY locations and they are opening their third location in Hamburg on September 1st. The other two locations are located in Amherst and Lockport.


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