AM Buffalo


The Financial Guys – Keeping Up with Medicare

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When you turn 65 and start considering Medicare you realize it can be really confusing which is why you need to speak with someone. Mel Camp talks with Brian Janek from The Financial Guys.

When people turn 65 there is a lot of questions you have about Medicare. Do you need to enroll? What do you have to do when you do need to do it? A lot of times people count on other people for help or just making decisions, not thinking about the ramifications of making those decisions. With Medicare if there are any penalties and you became subject to; they are lifetime penalties. There are four parts of Medicare: A-B-C and D. If you don’t take part B when you should, it’s a 10% penalty for every 12 months that you should have had part B and you didn’t.

If you are confused or concerned whether or not your plan is going to meet the criteria call The Financial Guys. They offer free consultations.