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Hiring 716: Help count Buffalo for the 2020 Census

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The 2020 Census Team is hanging up the "help wanted" sign for the upcoming Census.

The Federal Relay Service is now hiring for a variety of positions. Most of the openings are for census takers, but there are supervisory and recruitment positions as well.

The jobs are temporary-- the census is expected to last several weeks-- and work hours could be reduced for lack of available work. Workers are paid weekly. In Erie County, they are paid $17 per hour. Hourly wages vary by area. You can check your county's pay rates here.The Census Bureau says workers are expected to be available when people tend to be home, including evenings and weekends.

The group provides services to allow individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, and/or have speech disabilities to conduct official business with and within the federal government.

You can apply online or by calling 1-855-562-2020.