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How to make extra cash? Be a substitute teacher at Starpoint Schools

"Just come & see if you like it, because you will"
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In just a few weeks students will be packing the halls of all four Starpoint schools, and the district is looking to add some fresh faces to that mix: new substitute teachers.

Starpoint will be holding a recruitment fair for substitute teachers Wednesday, August 14th from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Starpoint High School Lubrary Media Center. You need a bachelor's degree or must be enrolled in an education program at a college or university to qualify. You do not have to be a certified teacher.

"We went someone that loves kids. That's a first priority, and just somebody's that flexible to come in day to day and work well with our students," said Denielle Toth, the principal of Fricano Primary.

Here's what you need to bring to the recruitment fair:

  • Two forms of identification (driver's license, social security card, or passport)
  • Proof of bachelor's degree or transcripts from current education program
  • A copy of teaching certificate (If applicable - not required)

Substitute teachers start making $90/day, but if you sub anywhere in the District over 40 days, that jumps to $120/day. If you sub over 30 consecutive days in the same assignment, you can make $194.50/day. Certified teachers start at $105/day.


"You don't have to substitute teach every day. You can if you want because there is such a need," said Cathie Kreppenneck, Starpoint High School's special education teacher.

The schedule is flexible, so you can sub in addition to a full-time job. Kreppenneck says she likes Starpoint so much so much she transitioned from a sub to a full time teacher.

"The school environment, the school community... the kids are great. I really don't think it needs a selling point, just come and try it and see if you like it. Because you will," Kreppenneck said.

For more information, visit Starpoint School District's website.