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Local wheel lock giant is searching for manufacturing workers

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ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (WKBW) Have you ever had your car wheels stolen? There's a local manufacturing giant that prevents that type of theft here in Orchard Park.

McGard Innovative Security Products produces wheel locks, among other security locks, and it's looking to add to its team of more than 700 employees. Positions range from office employees to engineers, operators, machinists, and technicians, among others.

“Employees in the shop primarily is our biggest demand. We see the most growth and we’re trying to fill a lot of positions," Vice President of Engineering, Wayne Hemmerling, said. “You think wheel locks, you think lug nuts, you think, ‘how much is involved with that?’ And every day’s a new challenge when we’re dealing with lots of different car companies, lots of different customers, everyday is different.”

McGard hires employees with a variety of backgrounds, although experience and a passion for the automotive industry is preferred. Pay and benefit packages are competitive and Hemmerling says there is a lot of room for advancement and flexibility.

“The founder of the company, Lew McCauley, he still comes in everyday, his two sons still run the company... They’re walking through the plants, they’re talking to the workers," Hemmerling said.

McGard is a global brand with manufacturing plants located in several countries. Most of their product is manufactured in Orchard Park. For more information click here.