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This WNY non-profit is offering a $500 retention bonus

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How does an extra $500 sound?

That’s the retention bonus being offered by Autism Services Inc.

Tracy Panzarella is director of clinical services. She said they're in the midst of the worst staffing crisis in her 17-year tenure. “With the increase in minimum wage for fast food workers, we're losing a lot of potential employees to that type of setting because they're paid more,” she said.

So, the company is getting creative. Panzarella said they're offering a $500 retention bonus to any employee who works at least six months.

They have 50 direct support professional openings.

Responsibilities include helping individuals with autism who are enrolled in any number of the autism services programs.

Pay is roughly $11 an hour. Candidates must be 18, have a valid N.Y. driver's license, and a high school diploma or G.E.D.

Autism Services is holding open interviews March 6th at the Amherst location, 40 Hazelwood Drive from 2 P.M. to 6 P.M.