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She made a huge American flag from tiny glass beads

Posted 12:50 PM, Feb 15, 2019
and last updated 1:01 PM, Feb 15, 2019

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (WKBW-TV) — Carmen Ardito of Orchard Park likes to make things. Her latest project is a ten and a half foot by almost six feet and took her four and a half years to complete. It is an American flag constructed entirely of glass beads.

Carmen says that her project took over a half million beads and they are all strung together on fishing line. Carmen, who will turn 90 in August, is hoping that Guinness will be interested in it because of it's size.

She was born in Italy and came to this country in the 1950's. Carmen says her flag is a "symbol of her gratitude to her adopted country for giving her and her family the feedom and opportunity to realize their dreams."