

11,986 trips taken in the first season of Reddy bikeshare program


Officials are pleased with the results of the first season of the Reddy bikeshare program in Buffalo.

Shared Mobility, Inc. and Independent Health announced the 200 "smart" bicycles with GPS capabilities and and 35 stations throughout the city included:

  • 11,986 trips
  • 17,614 miles traveled
  • 766,080 calories burned

The first 15 weeks of the program saw a total distance traveled equal to a round trip from Buffalo to New Zealand and a total amount of calories burned equal to nearly 7,500 chicken wings.

"Preliminary survey findings have yielded that 20 percent of respondents stated their primary reason for using Reddy bikeshare was to go to work or do personal errands," said Shared Mobility CEO Michael Galligano. "Many of these trips are replacing the use of a personal vehicle."

Reddy bikeshare is working to increase membership and rideship with more guided group rides and some possible expansion plans. It is also working to add bike station locations to the Lower West Side.