

6 hydrangeas stolen from house in Elmwood Village

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Six hydrangeas were stolen from a woman's home in Elmwood Village Monday morning.

The flowers were planted in the front of Lucia Frasca's home on Auburn Avenue. When Frasca came out to water them Monday morning, she was shocked they were gone.

"I was severely devastated to just find these big holes where these little - to me - lives were growing," Frasca said.

Now that her flowers are gone, she feels like a part of her is missing.

"They were so beautiful. They really fed my soul. So when these people took these flowers, they really took a piece of my soul," Frasca said.

The holes where the hydrangeas use to be are meticulously dug out. It potentially indicates that the people who did this took the time to not damage the hydrangea's roots when stealing the flowers.

This isn't an isolated incident either. There are multiple reports of stolen flowers on the website Nextdoor.