

AAA partners with police to protect students


AAA is partnering with local law enforcement for their annual "School's Open - Drive Carefully" campaign. The goal is to reduce the number of school-related pedestrian injuries, AAA said in a statement.

According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, more than 25% of all child pedestrian fatalities occurred after school, between 3:00 and 7:00 p.m.. The NHTSA also says more than one third of all American drivers admit to unsafe driving habits, such as rolling through stop signs in neighborhoods or school zones.

At a press conference for the campaign, police stressed the importance of avoiding distractions while behind the wheel.

"Keep in the back of your mind, that if you're distracted, your reaction time is greatly decreased," said State Police Troop Commander Major Steven Nigrell. "No one wants a tragedy. There's no selfie, there's no post, there's no Snapchat that's worth it."

New York State is also in the midst of the "Drive Sober, or Get Pulled Over" drunk driving crackdown. Police say there will be an enhanced presence as they look for impaired drivers, lasting through labor day weekend.