

Activists worry Green Code could lead to gentrification


Outside of Buffalo City Hall, Monday night, was a rally to "include us."

The fear is that inside City Hall, the people in Buffalo who earn below the city average, will be forgotten with the soon to be voted on Green Code.

The Green Code, simply, is a plan, years in the making, used to replace a more than a half century old zoning system.

While most everyone at the rally is for the new zoning system that would include new developments in more neighborhoods, they want to make sure it works for everyone.

The worry is gentrification and families being forced out due to rising property values.

Organizations like PUSH are looking to help families find affordable housing, every day. They worry rezoning, done the wrong way could mean, less places for people to live.

We need to step up and build more affordable housing and inclusionary zoning so people can actually have a place to live that is actually nice, said Christian Parra of PUSH.

We are all citizens in this great city and we don't want anyone to be excluded from the development that's happening here, said Zaid B. Islam who lives in the Fruit Belt.

At the special meeting called to hear concerns on the Green Code, common council members assured speakers, they intend to have inclusionary zoning in any changes made in the Green Code.