Felix Rodriguez, a 37-year-old recovering drug addict says the first time he tried drugs, it was like making a deal with the devil.
Rodriguez says he became addicted, and couldn't live without his fix. Rodriguez says he even did drugs with his father, until his father fell to the floor.
"He said 'don't try it' and he died right in my hands," said Rodriguez. "He saved me saying that right before he died."
Felix, a father of 7 says he has overdosed numerous times. He has been clean for almost two years now, and wants others out there to know there is a way out.
"People need to understand this is not who you are."
Alexis Vega and Felix met through the Recovery Key program here in Buffalo. Vega has a similar story.
"People don't realize how much danger they're living in," said Vega.
Vega, who has been clean for nearly six months spends his time talking to drug addicts, trying to get them to realize they can't truly get help unless they want it.
"There's no other way, either you're going to die or be in jail," he said.
Both men want to share their experiences to help others. They insist help is out there.
If you need help, call the Recovery Key program at 716-390-4253.