The first significant snowfall of the season is expected this weekend with some areas expected to get several inches of snow. It comes nearly a month earlier than in did in 2017.
Are you ready?
Erie County is urging its residents to download the "Ready Erie" app which provides important information in bad weather. The can find out more about the app and download it here:
NITTEC is also urging drivers to download its app for traffic updates in bad weather. You can find it here:
While officials are not overly concerned, there are still many trees that have a lot of leaves.
Wet snow on leaf-filled branches raises the concern about falling limbs taking down power lines.
If your lose electricity, National Grid is reminding people to use generators properly because back-feeding power lines with home generator electricity can be deadly to utility workers. More information about the proper use of generators can be found here:
7 Eyewitness News Reporter Ed Reilly has more about preparing for wintry weather in his attached report.
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