

Art show features designer jewelry

Jewelry artist has a lot of patience

When you see her works of art you will understand why people say Lisa Ballowe must have a lot of patience. She say's "That's the number one comment I get, but I say it relaxes me. I love it, this is my passion."

Countless hours and bunches of beads, make that hundreds, maybe even thousand of beads go in to her one-of-a-kind jewelry designs. Her work has won awards and been recognized by the Roycroft Artisans. Her inspirations come from just about everywhere. One of her recent pieces was inspired by a coffee mug design.

Lisa's work is available on Etsy and ather website and this weekend her wares are available at East Auror'a Annual "Out Of My Mind" Art Festival. The festival features 65 artists and was started by internationally known artist and Western New York resident Michele Vogel. Michele's work is available at the show as well and her art is featured in the Neiman Marcus catalog. 

The Out Of My Mind festival is at 42 Riley Street, East Aurora and it runs Saturday & Sunday, November 19 & 20 from 10am until 5pm