

Assembly to vote on law named after Baby Maddox


The State Senate has named a new law after the Syracuse toddler who was abducted and killed by her father earlier this year.

Maddox's Law would make murdering a child under the age of 13 a first-degree murder charge with a maximum penalty of life without parole.

The bill was unanimously passed in the senate and now goes to the Assembly. A similar bill went to the Assembly last year, but was never voted on. 

21-month-old Maddox Lawrence was killed on February 20. Her father, Ryan Lawrence, is accused of killing her, burning, and then dumping her body. The baby girl's body was found three days later.

Lawrence is charged with first-degree murder. His trial will begin October 31.

The Assembly only has two days to vote on the bill before they break for the year on Thursday, June 16.