

Attorney General warns about summer scams


With the official start of summer just days away, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is warning New Yorkers to keep an eye out for summer scams.

Schneiderman says the most common summer scams are related to unsolicited home improvement projects, such as weatherproofing and paint jobs, and vacation rental and timeshare fraud.

Here are some home improvement scams Attorney General Schneiderman's office says to lookout for:

"I'm painting a house (or a barn or a garage) in the neighborhood. I am paving a driveway (or patching a roof) around the corner. I have material left over and can do yours for next to nothing."

"Free basement inspections!"

"Free chimney inspections!"

Some tips to protect yourself: be suspicious of any unsolicited offer to work on your home, checkout the contractor with the Better Business Bureau, and get references. To check the BBB's website, click here

Here are some vacation scams that Attorney General Schneiderman's office says to lookout for:

"It's just what you wanted! A cottage overlooking a quiet lake; a beachfront condo; an apartment in the heart of the city." 

"Our firm is offering a free vacation if you attend our timeshare presentation."

Some tips to protect yourself: make sure the seller has a valid address and phone number, use verified payment sources, never make a payment using a wire transfer, and never consider a timeshare an investment--there is little market demand for resale and you will most likely lose money.

If you believe you have been scammed, the Attorney General asks you to contact the Attorney General's Consumer Complaint Hotline at 1-800-771-7755, or go online at ag.ny.gov.