

Bad roads are costing you more than $1,700 each year.

and last updated

A new report by TRIP, a national transportation research group, found that the average driver in the Buffalo-Niagara region is paying $1,726/year extra due to deteriorating roads and bridges, along with poorly designed roads that lack safety features.

TRIP's report said 40% of roads in this area are rated poor or mediocre which results in high repair bills for vehicles with damaged tires, wheels and suspension.

In addition, the report found that the poorly designed roads are causing increased congestion in urban areas with drivers spending an extra 40 hours/year stuck in traffic.

The report concluded that more funding is needed from the state and federal government.  Otherwise, the problem with deteriorating roads and bridges will get worse with the price tag for repairs being even higher.

You can read the TRIP report here: http://tripnet.org/docs/NY_Transportation_by_the_Numbers_TRIP_Report_November_2018.pdf

The report was released in collaboration with the AAA of Western & Central NY, Buffalo Niagara Partnership and FAIR (Fair Apportionment of Infrastructure).

7 Eyewitness News reporter Ed Reilly has more in his report.



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