

Bone marrow donor drive at 11 Day Power Play


About 40 men are playing hockey non-stop for 11 days to raise money for cancer research at Roswell Park.  Now there's a way you can help out - but it doesn't involve strapping on skates.

The 11 Day Power Play is dedicating Saturday, July 1st in honor of all those affected by blood cancers.  An onsite bone marrow donor drive will take place at HARBORCENTER from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  To become a donor, you must be between 18-44 years old, and have no history of cancer, diabetes or heart problems.  A donor screening will be done, where the inside of your cheek will be swabbed, to determine your tissue type.  Donor screening is free.

Marrow and blood cell translpants are used to treat lymphoma and other life-threatening blood diseases.