

Buffalo Central Terminal progress chugging along

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Michelle Morlock was among several dozen sitting inside the cold, historic Buffalo Central Terminal Sunday morning, getting an update on plans to restore the Queen City landmark. “This place was always near and dear to my heart,” the Cheektowaga resident explained.

Morlock volunteers there almost every week cleaning and landscaping the property. Her daughter helps, too. Each would like to see the property restored much like it was decades ago. “It would just be nice to see it brought back to life. I know it's not going to happen overnight, but we have to try,” said Alicia Morlock.

There is progress being made so says Central Terminal Restoration Corporation Vice Chair Paul Lang. The roof was recently lined with solar panels for energy purposes. There are also discussions about adding a restaurant, a museum space, and additional events to attract more visitors.

However, it's still unclear how the five-million-dollar state grant awarded to the group earlier this year will be spent. “Realistically, we're looking at small steps. Five million dollars is significant, and activation of the concourse will start answering a lot of questions,” Lang said.

Lang said the next step is to hire architects and engineers to design the concourse renovations. He said they're also working to release a new events calendar for 2019 in early February.

Neighbors like Michelle Morlock will be following all progress closely. “This place could be used for so many wonderful things from banquets to parties on top of the ones we already have. It just needs a little more work done.”

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